The surest safeguard of all citizens’ rights is a government neutral to religion including those with no religion. Jews have a unique role in this effort.
Jews have benefited greatly from secular democracy; now we have a responsibility to ensure that all others have the same freedoms.
Join us to learn from leading activists and experts working to defend the separation of church and state across the nation.
Through advocacy, mobilizing people and resources, and partnerships with allies, Jews for a Secular Democracy brings more Jews to action on religion-state issues.
While there are great organizations in the secular world fighting for the separation of church and state, and great Jewish organizations fighting for social justice in general, Jews for a Secular Democracy is a unique initiative focused on issues of religion-state separation from a Jewish perspective.
Jews were once excluded from commercial enterprises and we won’t accept it again, no matter who the target. We oppose discrimination against all religious minorities, including nonreligious people, and advocate for inclusion of all faiths and none in our government and society.
We supports bodily autonomy as a Jewish value and a human right. Elected officials should not be basing laws on biblical or religious beliefs. We advocate for access to comprehensive access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion and contraception.
Religion is not a license to discriminate. We oppose religious exemptions that allow employers, businesses, and government-funded programs to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Grounded in our secular and Jewish values, we advocate for full LGBTQ equality.
Help us organize the Jewish community to defend the separation of religion and government.