
JFASD webinar

Jews and Church-State Separation: The Issues, Why We Care, and What To Do About It

The religious freedoms provided by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has empowered Jews and other religious minorities to thrive. However, in the last several decades, we’ve seen religious fundamentalists turn the clock back on hard-won gains made for LGBTQ+ equality, reproductive justice, environmental protection, women’s rights, and other issues our community cares deeply about. Join the organizers of a new initiative, Jews for a Secular Democracy, to discuss how these issues directly relate to religious freedom. What is the unique Jewish angle on the separation of religion and government? And what is the role we must play to protect that freedom? We provide an overview of the issues and open it up for Q&A. With staff lead Paul Golin, program coordinator Sarah Levin, and community organizer Lincoln Dow. Intro by initiative chair Sheila Sebor.

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