Christian Nationalism On The Rise: Jewish Role in Protecting Separation of Church and State
Hosted by Temple Israel in Central Florida (, with an introduction and contributions from the synagogue’s Rabbi Joshua Neely, this interfaith panel discussion addressed questions including: What is Christian nationalism? How does it impact our national and local politics, and the Jewish community specifically? This session unpacks all of these big questions from various perspectives and presents attendees with how their congregation can advocate for the separation of religion and government. Panelists: Rabbi Merrill Shapiro, Immediate Past National President, Americans United for Separation of Church and State Rev. James Coffin, Executive Director, Interfaith Council of Central Florida Sarah Levin, Program Coordinator, Jews for a Secular Democracy Rick Gold, Organizer, Gainesville Humanistic Judaism Community Jews for a Secular Democracy ( is a pluralistic initiative of the Society for Humanistic Judaism (