
What's Happening Now

Thoughts from volunteer leaders and supporters of Jews for a Secular Democracy. If you have something to share, please be in touch, we would welcome your contributions to the blog!

The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and What Her Loss Means in This Moment

What did Ruth Bader Ginsburg mean for America in general and for American Jews in particular? And what does her loss mean for us today, moving forward, against the backdrop of a rising Christian nationalism? Come meet two remarkable authors to discuss RBG’s legacy and learn how her Jewish identity influenced her sense of justice, why she championed the related causes of gender equality and separation of church and state, and what we might be in for as the political...
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Jewish and Religiously Unaffiliated Voters

Juhem Navarro-Rivera, a political scientist, research consultant, and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Humanist Studies provides a fascinating, data-driven presentation that explains how Jewish and religiously-unaffiliated voters have cast their ballots historically and where they are leaning for the upcoming elections.

America’s Contribution to Jewish Identity, Humanism and Liberalism with Kenneth Wald

Presented by the Gainesville Humanistic Judaism Community and co-sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Judaism’s social justice initiative Jews for a Secular Democracy, Kenneth D. Wald, winner of the 2019 National Jewish Book Award, addresses what is special about American culture and governance that facilitated the development of Humanistic Judaism, enabled the political liberalism of American Jews, and preserved multiple forms of Jewish identity.

Immigrants and Refugees: Fighting for Rights from a Jewish Perspective

Eddie Chavez Calderon, Campaign Manager for Arizona Jews for Justice, shares his work and life experience in explaining the unique role the Jewish community can play in standing up for the rights of immigrants and refugees in the face of increasing hostility. Learn how can we make a difference! With Lincoln Dow and Paul Golin of Jews for a Secular Democracy. Recorded live via webinar. AZ Jews for Justice – Uri L’ Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice –

Getting Out and Protecting The Vote with Ali Lozano

Ali Lozano, Voting Rights Outreach Coordinator for the Texas Civil Rights Project, provides a fascinating and detailed overview about defending our right to vote, countering voter suppression efforts, and mobilizing disenfranchised voters to participate in our democracy. Learn about the latest threats to voting rights in Texas and throughout the U.S. and how we can defend our electoral process. Together with Jews for a Secular Democracy’s Lincoln Dow and Paul Golin.

Successfully Engaging in Interfaith Spaces with Tahil Sharma

How can we engage with likeminded people of all religions and none, to bring about the positive changes we want to see in the world? Tahil Sharma is an interfaith activist based in Los Angeles who was born to a Hindu father and a Sikh mother who works as the North American Coordinator for the United Religions Initiative, the world’s largest, grassroots interfaith network.

Bat Mitzvah Bettering the World

Ilana Schwartz became a Jews for a Secular Democracy (JFASD) Volunteer Leader at age 12 and quickly demonstrated how, at any age, a caring and devoted activist can bring positive change into the world. A member of the SHJ Massachusetts affiliate Kahal B’raira, Ilana decided to lead an advocacy campaign as her mitzvah project. She initially planned to meet with legislators in support of the Massachusetts Safe Communities Act, legislation to limit local cooperation with federal immigration enforcement and allow...
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Communicating Your Jewish and American Values

How to Craft Persuasive Messages About Keeping Religion Out of Government. Seasoned media-relations strategist Michael Shulansky joins Sarah Levin of Jews for a Secular Democracy for a conversation and training on best-practices to bring our values to messaging about the issues we care about. Tactics like writing letters to the editor and op-eds, running educational campaigns on social media, building relationships with and getting covered in state and local press, and staying “on-message” as we advocate for religion out of...
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